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To Move or Not To Move

So, here I am sitting for hours on end trying to piece together my future, and feeling sorry for myself.  The Army dropped me off of orders two weeks ago.  I have been hanging on to the hope that new orders would be cut, and I would have a job again.  However, the real question is what happened to the Army’s policy of “Taking care of soldiers”?  When I entered the military the belief was always do whatever you can to take care of the service member.  Now, it seems that money is more important to the higher command.  So, which money is important?  They have let several hundred guys swing in the wind with no paycheck, no medical coverage, and no idea if they will have these things in the near future, or not.  The answer is.... "There is no funding available".  So, where is the funding?  Well I can think of a little over 170 million on building projects, over 3 million wasted on luggage, and just watched my counterpart spend 76 thousand (more than I make in a year) on drop leg holsters.  All of these items are current and approved, however 367 troopers are sitting at home wondering how they will pay their electric, and grocery bills.
         The question I have to ask myself now is do I say screw it, and go back to College Station to a mediocre job that I really despise, or wait it out and see if the Army magically finds funding for my orders.  Believe it or not this is really a difficult decision, and at this time the only thing I can do is place it in God’s hands and pray for guidance.  No more feeling sorry for myself.  To move or not to move…..  Hmmm…..

Hello Is This Thing On?

Where to start? Insomnia. That's a good place. I have suffered with this affliction since mid 2005. It comes and goes, and tonight it hit like a ton of bricks. So, as I lay here in my bed surfing internet oddities on my iPad, I came across a link in my bookmarks that I realize I have never explored. This particular link happens to be my brother's blog "Trapped in the City Life". I clicked the link and found myself enthralled for over an hour and taken back in time over the past two years. Although, I have never even considered writing a blog, I have decided to give it a shot. My life has been filled with trials and tribulations over the past several years, and I believe I should have made some effort to document these things if for no one else, then for my own sanity. So, as I start this new adventure of chronicling my existence, all I can say where the hell do I go from here.