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Finally Home

So after a couple of months of limited internet and living out of bags, and boxes, we are finally in our new home.  This has been a huge downsizing for us, as we have been forced to give away a plethora of home furnishings and other items that just will not fit in the new house.  We still have not hung any pictures, (note the picture above) nor have we emptied the multitude of boxes in the garage.  However, the decision was made long before this started that the "move in" process would be slow.  This gives us a lot of time to decide where to put things and what to get rid of.

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families and an awesome new year's eve.  Since moving back to the BCS area I have already been reminded of some of the great friendships that we have here and have sorely missed over the last two and a half years.  The nicest thing for me so far is that we are much closer to the kids and should be able to see them more frequently than in the past.  They will been spending this weekend with us, and we are both looking forward to having them.  Lyndee, has been accepted to TAMU and has asked to live us, if she decides to attend there.  This is a mixed decision for me.  I would love to have her here and spend time with my beautiful daughter that I haven't seen much of the past few years.  However, I can not help but think about how much she would be missing out on by not living in the dorms.  I have decided to show her all the options, and then let her make her own decision on the matter.

In closing, I just wanted to say to my brother ... you are a girl, and we can step outside anytime you feel froggy.  You would have to read his blog to understand "Trapped in the City Life".  I would also like to thank God for my wonderful wife who has worked tirelessly on this move and been totally supportive during this trying time.  Also, for being a GREAT doctor for me while I have been suffering with this ongoing toothache.  I Love You Sweetheart.

To copy my sister .... Lesson learned - Moving is stressful just buy the damn house already.