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Just Yesterday

Wasn't it just yesterday that she was born?  Wasn't it just yesterday that she refused to crawl on her knees?  Wasn't it just yesterday that she took those wobbly first steps?  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was driving her to daycare.  I was just yesterday that she and I spent the whole day hitting baseballs off the T for T-Ball practice.  I'm sure it was just yesterday that she told me she wants to be in band next year when she starts Jr High.  It had to be just yesterday that I held her while she cried because I was headed off to Iraq.   I know it was just yesterday that she told me about this boy she wants to go out with.

Maybe it was just yesterday that this picture was taken.  I was so proud of her.  Wasn't it just yesterday that I watch the freshman class march on the football field.  It had to be just yesterday that she told me she wants a driver's license.  I know it was just yesterday that she drove her car to come visit me and Erica.

No, it really was just yesterday that I helped my little girl unpack her stuff and move into this building.  She's not far away but at the same time it feels like she's a million miles away.  I was the big strong daddy and helped carry her mircowave up the four flights of stairs, and smiled and told her how great her room looks.  Then as I was about to leave the small voice of my baby girl asks "Daddy are you leaving me now?".  I said yes that I needed to go home and she needed to get out and meet new friends.  She then asked if I knew how to find her car, and I showed her where to go.

Now, as I sit here with tears running down my cheeks, I know this must have all been a dream. 

Because, I am sure it was just yesterday she was born.